Project - Management System - platform let coworkers to manage their flow



  • Category:Typescript, NExtJS
  • Private url

  • Github code:Private repo
  • Used Stacks:

    • Next 14
    • Typescript
    • React Query
    • React Hook Form
    • Zod
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Shadcn UI
    • Date-fns

About Project:

  • Used Next.js 14 functions for optimal performance, seamless user experience and fast development which includes server-side rendering, static site generation, and serverless functions
  • Implemented JWT for secure and stateless authentication in the project
  • Used React Query to manage client-side data fetching efficiently, especially in scenarios involving infinite queries
  • Applied toast for user feedback and error handling, to enhance user satisfaction and engagement with advantages of server actions
  • Used Shadcn UI kit and Tailwind CSS for fast development in styling